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Eileen Visser Attorneys

Uitsettings in Suid-Afrika: Alles wat jy moet weet

Uitsetting is ‘n sensitiewe en dikwels komplekse proses in Suid-Afrika, gereguleer deur verskeie wetgewing om regverdigheid vir beide verhuurders en huurders te verseker. As jy ‘n eiendomseienaar is wat huurders of okkupeerders moet uitsit, is dit van kardinale belang om die regskundige prosedures te verstaan om duur vertragings en potensiële regsgevolge te vermy. Hierdie omvattende gids sal jou deur die uitsettingsproses lei, die wettige redes vir uitsetting, algemene foute, en die toepaslike wetgewing. Wettige Redes om Huurders Uit te Sit Hoewel die Suid-Afrikaanse wet aansienlike beskerming aan huurders bied, het verhuurders die reg om huurders onder spesifieke omstandighede uit te sit. ‘n Gedetailleerde, geskrewe huurkontrak is noodsaaklik, aangesien dit dien as die kontrak tussen die verhuurder en die huurder. Wettige redes vir die uitsetting van huurders sluit in: Nie-betaling van Huur: Versuim om huur ten volle, betyds of glad nie te betaal nie. Einde van Huurkontrak: Weiering om die eiendom te verlaat na die huurtermyn eindig. Onwettige of Kriminele Aktiwiteite: Betrokkenheid by onwettige aktiwiteite op die eiendom. Eiendomsbeskadiging: Beduidende skade aan die eiendom bo en behalwe normale slytasie. Die Standaard Uitsettingsproses in Suid-Afrika Die uitsettingsproses is gestruktureer en vereis nakoming van spesifieke stappe om wettigheid te verseker: Stuur ‘n Skrywe van Eis: Voordat jy uitsetting inisieer, stuur ‘n formele brief aan die huurder wat die oortreding verduidelik en versoek om regstelling binne ‘n bepaalde tyd (gewoonlik 20 werksdae). Noem dat versuim om die oortreding reg te stel sal lei tot beëindiging van die huurkontrak. Beëindig die Huurkontrak: As die huurder nie die oortreding regstel nie, kan jy die huurkontrak beëindig. Hofproses: Stel die Huurder in Kennis: Lig die huurder in oor jou voorneme om ‘n hofbevel vir uitsetting te bekom. Aansoek om ‘n Uitsettingsbevel: Lê ‘n aansoek by die hof in vir ‘n uitsettingsbevel en ‘n hofdatum. Diens van Kennisgewing: Veertien dae voor die hofdatum, word die uitsettingskennisgewing deur die hofbode aan die huurder en die plaaslike munisipaliteit afgelewer. Hofverhoor: As die huurder die uitsetting betwis, gaan die saak hof toe. As daar geen geldige verdediging is nie, reik die hof ‘n lasbrief vir uitsetting aan die balju. Voer die Uitsetting Uit: Die balju voer die uitsettingsbevel uit en verwyder die huurder se besittings van die eiendom. Algemene Uitsettingsfoute Vermy hierdie algemene slaggate om ‘n gladde uitsettingsproses te verseker: DIY Uitsettingspogings: Soek altyd regsadvies om die uitsettingsproses korrek te navigeer. Aanvaar Geld van die Huurder: Dit kan die uitsettingsproses vertraag. Haastigheid: Volg die volledige wettige tydraamwerk soos uiteengesit in alle korrespondensie. Onwettige Uitsettingsmetodes: Moet nie slotte verander, nutsdienste afsny of die huurder fisies verwyder sonder ‘n hofbevel nie. Teistering: Vermy om die huurder te agtervolg of te teister, aangesien hulle regstappe teen jou kan neem. Wetgewing wat Huurders Beskerm Verskeie wette reguleer uitsettings in Suid-Afrika om die regte van huurders te beskerm: Die Grondwet: Verseker almal se reg tot toegang tot voldoende behuising en verbied arbitrêre uitsettings sonder ‘n hofbevel. Wet op Voorkoming van Onwettige Uitsetting en Onwettige Besetting van Grond (PIE Wet): Reguleer die uitsettingsproses in stedelike gebiede en beskerm onwettige okkupeerders. Wet op Verlenging van Sekerheid van Verblyf (ESTA): Beskerm huurders en arbeiders op landbougrond. Wet op Huurbehuising en Wysigingswet op Huurbehuising (RHA): Reguleer die verhouding tussen verhuurder en huurder en bied geskilbeslegting deur die Huurbehuisingstribunaal. Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming (CPA): Beskerm huurders se regte, insluitend privaatheid, keuse, billike bedinge, en waarde vir geld. Tipes Huurderuitsettings Daar is drie tipes uitsettingsprosesse in Suid-Afrika: Normale Uitsettingsproses: Die standaardprosedure soos hierbo uiteengesit. Dringende Uitsettingsproses: Vir gevalle waar die huurder onmiddellike skade of gevaar inhou. Staatsorgane Gespesialiseerde Uitsettingsproses: Spesifieke prosedures vir staatsbesitte eiendomme. ‘n Verhuurder se Gids tot die Uitsettingsproses Kennisgewing Dien: Lig die huurder in oor die oortreding en versoek regstelling. Beëindig Huurkontrak: As die oortreding nie reggestel word nie, beëindig die huurkontrak. Stel in Kennis van Voorneem om Uit te Sit: Lig die huurder in oor jou voorneme om ‘n hofbevel vir uitsetting te bekom. Aansoek om Uitsettingsbevel: Lê die nodige dokumentasie by die hof in. Hofverhoor: Stel jou saak, die huurder mag hulself verdedig. Uitsettingsbevel Uitgereik: As geen geldige verdediging aangebied word nie, reik die hof ‘n uitsettingsbevel uit. Balju Voer Uitsetting Uit: Die balju verwyder die huurder se besittings as hulle versuim om vrywillig te ontruim. Gereelde Vrae oor Uitsettings in Suid-Afrika Hoe lank neem die uitsettingsproses? Die proses kan ongeveer drie weke neem as dit nie betwis word nie, maar kan tot agtien maande duur as dit hof toe gaan. Hoeveel kos ‘n uitsetting? Koste verskil, maar sluit hofkoste, die koste van die diens van uitsettingskennisgewings, en prokureursfooie in. Suksesvolle verhuurders kan soms hierdie koste van die huurder verhaal. Hoe om hof te vermy? As die huurder die oortreding regstel of die eiendom ontruim na ontvangs van die formele brief, kan hofverrigtinge vermy word. Laaste Gedagtes Uitsetting is ‘n komplekse regsprosedure wat noukeurige navigasie vereis om jou regte as verhuurder te beskerm terwyl jy die huurder se regte respekteer. Deeglike huurderskeuring en regsadvies van die begin af kan baie probleme vermy. Vir meer inligting oor uitsettings of verwante regsprosesse, kontak ons gerus om te verseker dat jou optrede voldoen aan die Suid-Afrikaanse wet.

divorce and family law

Egskeidingsproses in Suid-Afrika: Alles Wat Jy Moet Weet

Egskeiding is ‘n beduidende wettige en emosionele proses wat baie paartjies in die gesig staar. Om die egskeidingsproses in Suid-Afrika te verstaan, is noodsaaklik vir enigiemand wat oorweeg om te skei of reeds deur die proses gaan. Hierdie omvattende gids dek alles wat jy moet weet oor die egskeidingsproses, van die gronde vir egskeiding tot die tipes egskeidings en die wettige prosedures wat betrokke is. Gronde vir Egskeiding In Suid-Afrika het jy die reg op egskeiding onder die volgende voorwaardes: Onherstelbare Verbrokkeling van die Huwelik: Jy moet bewys aan die hof dat jy en jou eggenoot nie meer saam kan woon nie en dat daar geen kans is om jul verskille te herstel nie. Faktore wat onherstelbare verbrokkeling aandui, sluit in: Skeiding vir ‘n ononderbroke periode van ten minste een jaar. Owerspel, waar die benadeelde eggenoot glo dat versoening onwaarskynlik is. Die verweerder het verskeie misdade gepleeg of is besig om ‘n tronkstraf uit te dien. Geestesongesteldheid: As een eggenoot geestelik siek of voortdurend bewusteloos is, kan jy aansoek doen om egskeiding. Bewyse van twee psigiaters (een deur die hof aangestel) is nodig om die geestestoestand te bewys. Voortdurende Bewusteloosheid: As ‘n eggenoot in ‘n toestand van voortdurende bewusteloosheid is vir ‘n ononderbroke periode van ten minste ses maande, ondersteun deur mediese bewyse van twee praktisyns, kan ‘n egskeiding toegestaan word. Tipes Egskeidings Daar is drie primêre tipes egskeidings in Suid-Afrika: onbestrede, bemiddelde, en bestrede egskeidings. Onbestrede Egskeiding: Die vinnigste en goedkoopste opsie. Eggenote stem in tot die terme insluitend onderhoud, verdeling van bates, en kindersorg. Word binne ‘n paar weke afgehandel. Beide partye kan ‘n enkele onpartydige prokureur raadpleeg om die skikkingsooreenkoms op te stel. Bemiddelde Egskeiding: Geskik wanneer eggenote aanvanklik nie oor die terme kan ooreenkom nie. Behels ‘n bemiddelaar en/of prokureur om te help om ‘n ooreenkoms te bereik. Tipies binne drie maande afgehandel. Verminder koste en emosionele spanning in vergelyking met bestrede egskeidings. Bestrede Egskeiding: Kom voor wanneer eggenote nie oor die egskeidingsvoorwaardes kan ooreenkom nie. Behels verskeie hofverskynings en kan tot drie jaar of langer neem. Hoë regskoste en emosionele stres. Die hof besluit oor onderhoud, verdeling van bates, en kindersorg. Wettige Proses van Egskeiding Die egskeidingsproses in Suid-Afrika behels verskeie sleutelstappe: Inisiëring van die Egskeiding: Dien ‘n dagvaarding in wat persoonlik aan die verweerder deur die balju van die hof beteken word. Egskeiding kan in óf die Streekhof van die Landdroshof óf die Hooggeregshof ingedien word. Betekening van die Dagvaarding: Die dagvaarding sluit besonderhede van beide partye, huweliksinligting, en gevraagde egskeidingsvoorwaardes in. Die verweerder het die geleentheid om te reageer met ‘n pleit en teen-eis. Pleading en Ontdekking: Beide partye ruil dokumente uit wat hul saak ondersteun. Die ontdekkingproses verseker deursigtigheid van finansiële en ander relevante dokumente. Verhoor en Skikking: As geen skikking bereik word nie, gaan die saak na verhoor. Die hof neem die finale besluit oor die egskeidingsvoorwaardes. Doen-dit-self (DIY) Egskeidings DIY egskeidings is ‘n koste-effektiewe opsie vir onbestrede en eenvoudige egskeidings. Jy kan: Verkry nodige vorms en leiding by jou plaaslike landdroshof. Voortgaan sonder ‘n prokureur indien: Die egskeiding onbestrede en eenvoudig is. Jul vir ‘n kort tydperk getroud was. Geen aansienlike bates of kindersorg geskille is nie. Huwelikstelsels en Eiendomsverdeling Suid-Afrika erken drie huwelikstelsels wat die egskeidingsproses beïnvloed: Binne Gemeenskap van Goedere: Alle bates en skuld word gelykop gedeel. Gesamentlike boedel sluit alles in wat tydens die huwelik verdien of verkry is. Buite Gemeenskap van Goedere Sonder Aanwas: Elke eggenoot behou individuele eienaarskap van bates en skuld. Finansiële onafhanklikheid word gehandhaaf. Buite Gemeenskap van Goedere Met Aanwas: Elke eggenoot se boedel word gewaardeer aan die begin en einde van die huwelik. Gesamentlike verhogings of verlaging in boedelwaarde. Kindersorg en Onderhoud In egskeidingsake wat kinders betrek, fokus die hof op die beste belange van die kind: Sorg (Bewaring): Kan alleenlik of gesamentlik wees. Wettige sorg behels besluitnemingsregte, terwyl fisiese sorg na lewensreëlings verwys. Onderhoud: Beide ouers is verantwoordelik vir kinderonderhoud. Onderhoudsbedrae word bepaal gebaseer op elke ouer se inkomste en die kind se behoeftes. Eggenote Onderhoud Eggenote onderhoud mag toegeken word indien een eggenoot nie hulself na die egskeiding kan onderhou nie. Faktore wat oorweeg word, sluit in: Finansiële middele en verdienvermoëns. Duur van die huwelik. Toekomstige finansiële behoeftes en verpligtinge. Gevolgtrekking Om die egskeidingsproses in Suid-Afrika te verstaan, help jou om hierdie uitdagende tyd meer effektief te navigeer. Of jy ‘n DIY egskeiding oorweeg of regsadvies soek, om ingelig te wees oor jou regte en die wettige prosedures verseker ‘n gladder en minder stresvolle ervaring. Raadpleeg altyd ‘n professionele prokureur vir persoonlike advies wat aangepas is vir jou spesifieke situasie. Vrae Kan ek ‘n egskeiding kry sonder my eggenoot se toestemming? Ja, jy het nie jou eggenoot se toestemming nodig om ‘n egskeiding aan te vra nie. Hoe lank neem ‘n onbestrede egskeiding? ‘n Onbestrede egskeiding kan binne ‘n paar weke afgehandel word. Wat gebeur as my eggenoot nie op die dagvaarding reageer nie? Jy kan aansoek doen vir ‘n verstek egskeiding, waar die hof namens jou besluit en die huwelik beëindig. Wat is die rol van die Gesinsadvokaat? Die Gesinsadvokaat help om ‘n ooreenkoms te bereik oor toesig, toegang, en voogdyskap kwessies. Kan ek my eggenoot se pensioen in ‘n egskeiding eis? Ja, onder sekere omstandighede mag jy geregtig wees op ‘n gedeelte van jou eggenoot se pensioen. Vir meer gedetailleerde inligting en persoonlike advies, kontak ons asseblief.

family law

Onderhoudsbevele in Suid-Afrika: Alles Wat Jy Moet Weet

Onderhoud is ‘n belangrike aspek van familiereg in Suid-Afrika en verseker dat individue, veral minderjariges, die nodige ondersteuning vir hul welstand ontvang. Hierdie artikel bied ‘n omvattende gids oor onderhoudsbevele in Suid-Afrika, wat die wettige verpligtinge, wie verantwoordelik is, wat geëis kan word, die aansoekproses en wat gebeur as onderhoud nie betaal word nie, uiteensit. Wat is Onderhoud? Onderhoud verwys na die verpligting om ‘n ander persoon, soos ‘n minderjarige, van basiese behoeftes soos behuising, kos, klere, opvoeding en mediese sorg te voorsien. Hierdie wettige verpligting staan bekend as die “plig om te onderhou” of “plig om te ondersteun.” Wie Moet Onderhoud Voorsien? Die plig om te onderhou is hoofsaaklik gebaseer op bloedverwantskap, aanneming of huwelik. ‘n Kind moet ondersteun word deur: Ouers: Ongeag hul huwelikstatus (getroud, saamwonend, geskei of geskei), insluitend aannemende ouers. Grootouers: As die ouers nie in staat is om ondersteuning te voorsien nie, kan grootouers verantwoordelik wees, afhangende van die spesifieke geval. Die plig om te ondersteun strek verder as net kinders. Enige familielid, ongeag ouderdom, kan onderhoud eis as hulle nie in staat is om hulself te onderhou nie, mits die familielid van wie onderhoud geëis word, dit kan bekostig. Watter Uitgawes Kan Geëis Word? Jy kan redelike ondersteuning eis wat nodig is vir ‘n behoorlike lewe en opvoeding, wat insluit: Kos Klere Behuising Opvoeding Mediese uitgawes Die hof kan ook die betaling van geboortekoste vanaf die kind se geboorte tot die onderhoudsbevel toegestaan is, beveel en kan vereis dat een ouer die kind by hul mediese skema as ‘n afhanklike insluit. Aansoek om Onderhoud Stappe om te Volg: Aansoek by die Landdroshof: Besoek die landdroshof in jou distrik. Voltooi en Dien Vorms In: Vul en dien J101, Vorm A: Aansoek om ‘n Onderhoudsbevel, tesame met bewys van inkomste en uitgawes, in. Ondersoek: ‘n Onderhoudsbeampte en ondersoeker sal jou eis en omstandighede evalueer. Hofverskyning: Die respondent sal na die hof gedagvaar word. Hulle kan óf instem om te betaal óf die eis betwis. Hofbevel: As die respondent instem, sal die landdros ‘n bevel uitreik. As dit betwis word, sal ‘n verhoor plaasvind en die hof sal die onderhoudsbedrag bepaal. Betalingsmetodes Onderhoudsbetalings kan gemaak word deur: Plaaslike landdroshof Aangewese bank- of bouverenigingrekening Direk aan die geregtigde persoon Werkgewer-aftrekkings (in ooreenstemming met die Onderhoudswet, 1998) Verandering van die Onderhoudsbedrag Aansoeke om Verhoging of Verlaging: Vir Verhoging: Aansoek by die landdroshof in jou distrik met ‘n staat van inkomste en uitgawes. Vir Verlaging: Aansoek by die landdroshof waar die oorspronklike bevel gemaak is, met die nodige finansiële dokumente. Wat Gebeur as Onderhoud Nie Betaal Word Nie? Versuim om aan ‘n onderhoudsbevel te voldoen kan lei tot: Minagting van hofverrigtinge Siviele en kriminele verrigtinge Salaris, bankrekening, of batebeslaglegging Arrestasiebevele Kinderonderhoudswet en Regsraamwerk Die Onderhoudswet 99 van 1998 en die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 reguleer onderhoud in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie wette verseker dat beide ouers bydra tot hul kind se opvoeding gebaseer op hul verdienste en die kind se behoeftes. Gevolgtrekking Om onderhoudsbevele in Suid-Afrika te verstaan, is noodsaaklik vir die welstand van afhanklikes. As jy hulp nodig het met onderhoudseise of verwante regskwessies, kontak ons gerus om jou deur die proses te lei en jou regte en verantwoordelikhede te beskerm.

family law

Maintenance Orders in South Africa: Everything You Need to Know

Maintenance is a crucial aspect of family law in South Africa, ensuring that individuals, particularly minors, receive the necessary support for their well-being. This article provides a comprehensive guide on maintenance orders in South Africa, detailing the legal obligations, who is responsible, what can be claimed, the application process, and what happens if maintenance is not paid. What is Maintenance? Maintenance refers to the obligation to provide another person, such as a minor, with essentials like housing, food, clothing, education, and medical care. This legal duty is known as the “duty to maintain” or “duty to support.” Who Must Provide Maintenance? The duty to maintain is primarily based on blood relationship, adoption, or marriage. A child must be supported by: Parents: Regardless of their marital status (married, living together, separated, or divorced), including adoptive parents. Grandparents: If the parents are unable to provide support, grandparents may be responsible, depending on the case specifics. The duty to support extends beyond children. Any family member, regardless of age, can request maintenance if they are unable to support themselves, provided the family member from whom maintenance is claimed can afford it. What Expenses Can Be Claimed? You can claim reasonable support necessary for providing a proper living and upbringing, which includes: Food Clothing Housing Education Medical expenses The court may also order the payment of laying-in expenses from the child’s birth until the maintenance order is granted and can require one parent to add the child to their medical scheme as a dependent. Applying for Maintenance Steps to Follow: Apply at the Magistrate’s Court: Visit the magistrate’s court in your district. Complete and Submit Forms: Fill out and submit J101, Form A: Application for a Maintenance Order, along with proof of income and expenses. Investigation: A maintenance officer and investigator will assess your claim and circumstances. Court Appearance: The respondent will be summoned to court. They can either agree to pay or contest the claim. Court Order: If the respondent agrees, the magistrate will issue an order. If contested, a hearing will be held, and the court will determine the maintenance amount. Payment Methods Maintenance payments can be made through: Local magistrate’s office Designated bank or building society account Directly to the entitled person Employer deductions (in line with the Maintenance Act, 1998) Changing the Maintenance Amount Increase or Decrease Requests: For Increase: Apply at the magistrate’s court in your district with a statement of income and expenditure. For Decrease: Apply at the magistrate’s office where the original order was made, with the necessary financial documents. What Happens If Maintenance Is Not Paid? Failure to comply with a maintenance order can lead to: Contempt of court proceedings Civil and criminal proceedings Salary, bank account, or asset attachment Arrest warrants Child Maintenance Act and Legal Framework The Maintenance Act 99 of 1998 and the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 govern maintenance in South Africa. These laws ensure that both parents contribute to their child’s upbringing based on their earnings and the child’s needs. Conclusion Understanding maintenance orders in South Africa is crucial for ensuring the well-being of dependents. If you need assistance with maintenance claims or related legal matters, please feel free to contact us to guide you through the process and protect your rights and responsibilities.

contract drafting

Divorce Process in South Africa: Everything You Need to Know

Divorce is a significant legal and emotional process that many couples may face. Understanding the divorce process in South Africa is crucial for anyone considering or going through a divorce. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about the divorce process, from the grounds for divorce to the types of divorces and the legal procedures involved. Grounds for Divorce In South Africa, you are entitled to a divorce under the following conditions: Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage: You must prove to the court that you and your spouse can no longer live together and there is no chance of resolving your differences. Factors indicating irretrievable breakdown include: Separation for a continuous period of at least one year. Adultery, where the wronged spouse believes reconciliation is unlikely. The defendant has committed multiple crimes or is serving a jail sentence. Mental Illness: If one spouse is mentally ill or continuously unconscious, you can file for divorce. Evidence from two psychiatrists (one appointed by the court) is required to prove the mental condition. Continuous Unconsciousness: If a spouse is in a state of continuous unconsciousness for an uninterrupted period of at least six months, supported by medical evidence from two practitioners, a divorce can be granted. Types of Divorce There are three primary types of divorces in South Africa: uncontested, mediated, and contested. Uncontested Divorce: Quickest and least expensive option. Spouses agree on terms including maintenance, division of assets, and child care. Finalised within a few weeks. Both parties can consult a single impartial attorney to draft the settlement agreement. Mediated Divorce: Suitable when spouses cannot initially agree on terms. Involves a mediator and/or attorney to help reach an agreement. Typically finalised within three months. Reduces costs and emotional stress compared to contested divorces. Contested Divorce: Occurs when spouses cannot agree on divorce terms. Involves multiple court appearances and can take up to three years or more. High legal costs and emotional distress. Court decides on maintenance, asset division, and child care. Legal Process of Divorce The divorce process in South Africa involves several key steps: Initiating the Divorce: File a summons served personally on the defendant by the sheriff of the court. Divorce can be filed in either the Regional Court of the Magistrate Court or the High Court. Serving the Summons: The summons includes details of both parties, marriage information, and requested divorce terms. The defendant has an opportunity to respond with a plea and counterclaim. Pleadings and Discovery: Both parties exchange documents supporting their case. Discovery process ensures transparency of financial and other relevant documents. Trial and Settlement: If no settlement is reached, the case goes to trial. The court makes the final decision on divorce terms. Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Divorces DIY divorces are a cost-effective option for uncontested and straightforward divorces. You can: Obtain necessary forms and guidance from your local magistrate’s court. Proceed without an attorney if: The divorce is uncontested and simple. Married for a short period. No substantial assets or child custody disputes. Marital Regimes and Property Division South Africa recognizes three marital regimes which affect divorce proceedings: In Community of Property: All assets and debts are shared equally. Joint estate includes everything earned or acquired during the marriage. Out of Community of Property Without Accrual: Each spouse retains individual ownership of assets and debts. Financial independence is maintained. Out of Community of Property With Accrual: Each spouse’s estate is valued at the beginning and end of the marriage. Shared increases or decreases in estate value. Child Custody and Maintenance In divorce cases involving children, the court focuses on the best interests of the child: Custody (Care): Can be sole or joint. Legal custody involves decision-making rights, while physical custody refers to living arrangements. Maintenance: Both parents are responsible for child support. Maintenance amounts are determined based on each parent’s earnings and the child’s needs. Spousal Maintenance Spousal maintenance may be awarded if one spouse cannot support themselves post-divorce. Factors considered include: Financial means and earning capacities. Length of the marriage. Future financial needs and obligations. Conclusion Understanding the divorce process in South Africa helps you navigate this challenging time more effectively. Whether opting for a DIY divorce or seeking legal assistance, being informed about your rights and the legal procedures ensures a smoother and less stressful experience. Always consult a professional attorney for personalized advice tailored to your specific situation. FAQs Can I get a divorce without my spouse’s consent? Yes, you do not need your spouse’s permission to file for a divorce. How long does an uncontested divorce take? An uncontested divorce can be finalised within a few weeks. What happens if my spouse does not respond to the summons? You can apply for a default divorce, where the court decides on your behalf and ends the marriage. What is the role of the Family Advocate? The Family Advocate assists in reaching an agreement on custody, access, and guardianship issues. Can I claim my spouse’s pension in a divorce? Yes, under certain conditions, you may be entitled to a portion of your spouse’s pension. For more detailed information and personalized advice, please contact us.


Evictions in South Africa: Everything You Need to Know

Eviction is a sensitive and often complex process in South Africa, governed by a range of legislations to ensure fairness for both landlords and tenants. If you’re a property owner needing to evict tenants or occupiers, it’s crucial to understand the legal procedures to avoid costly delays and potential legal repercussions. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the eviction process, the legal reasons for eviction, common mistakes, and the relevant legislation. Legal Reasons to Evict Tenants While South African law offers substantial protection to tenants, landlords have the right to evict tenants under specific circumstances. A detailed, written lease agreement is essential, as it serves as the contract between the landlord and the tenant. Legal reasons for evicting tenants include: Non-payment of Rent: Failure to pay rent in full, on time, or at all. End of Lease Agreement: Refusal to vacate the property after the lease term ends. Illegal or Criminal Activity: Involvement in unlawful activities on the property. Property Damage: Significant damage to the property beyond normal wear and tear. The Standard Eviction Process in South Africa The eviction process is structured and requires adherence to specific steps to ensure legality: Send a Letter of Demand: Before initiating eviction, send a formal letter to the tenant explaining the breach and requesting rectification within a stipulated timeframe (usually 20 business days). Mention that failure to address the breach will result in termination of the lease. Terminate the Lease Agreement: If the tenant does not rectify the breach, you can terminate the lease agreement. Court Process: Notify the Tenant: Inform the tenant of your intention to seek a court order for eviction. Apply for an Eviction Order: File an application with the court for an eviction notice and a court date. Serve the Notice: Fourteen days before the court date, the court messenger delivers the eviction notice to the tenant and the local municipality. Court Hearing: If the tenant contests the eviction, the case goes to court. If there’s no valid defense, the court issues a warrant of eviction to the sheriff. Enforce the Eviction: The sheriff executes the eviction order, removing the tenant’s possessions from the property. Common Eviction Mistakes Avoid these common pitfalls to ensure a smooth eviction process: DIY Eviction Attempts: Always seek legal assistance to navigate the eviction process correctly. Accepting Money from the Tenant: This can delay the eviction process. Rushing the Process: Follow the full legal timeframe as outlined in all correspondence. Illegal Eviction Methods: Do not change locks, cut off utilities, or physically remove the tenant without a court order. Harassment: Avoid hounding or harassing the tenant, as they could take legal action against you. Legislation Protecting Tenants Several laws govern evictions in South Africa, ensuring the rights of tenants are protected: The Constitution: Ensures everyone has the right to access adequate housing and prohibits arbitrary evictions without a court order. Prevention of Illegal Eviction from Unlawful Occupation of Land Act (PIE Act): Governs the eviction process in urban areas, protecting unlawful occupants. Extension of Security of Tenure Act (ESTA): Protects tenants and labor tenants on agricultural land. Rental Housing Act and Rental Housing Amendment Act (RHA): Regulates the landlord-tenant relationship and provides dispute resolution through the Rental Housing Tribunal. Consumer Protection Act (CPA): Protects tenant rights, including privacy, choice, fair dealings, and value for money. Types of Tenant Evictions There are three types of eviction processes in South Africa: Normal Eviction Process: The standard procedure outlined above. Urgent Eviction Process: For cases where the tenant poses imminent harm or danger. Organs of State Specialised Eviction Process: Specific procedures for state-owned properties. A Landlord’s Guide to the Eviction Process Serve Notice: Inform the tenant of the breach and request rectification. Terminate Lease: If the breach is not rectified, terminate the lease. Notify of Intent to Evict: Inform the tenant of your intent to seek a court-ordered eviction. Apply for Eviction Order: File the necessary paperwork with the court. Court Hearing: Present your case; the tenant may defend themselves. Eviction Order Issued: If no valid defense is presented, the court issues an eviction order. Sheriff Executes Eviction: The sheriff removes the tenant’s possessions if they fail to vacate voluntarily. FAQs on Evictions in South Africa How long does the eviction process take? The process can take around three weeks if uncontested but may extend up to eighteen months if it goes to court. How much does an eviction cost? Costs vary but include court fees, the cost of serving eviction notices, and attorney fees. Successful landlords can sometimes recover these costs from the tenant. How to avoid court? If the tenant rectifies the breach or vacates the property after receiving the formal letter, court proceedings can be avoided. Final Thoughts Eviction is a complex legal procedure that requires careful navigation to protect your rights as a landlord while respecting the tenant’s rights. Proper tenant selection and legal assistance from the start can mitigate many issues. For more information on evictions or related legal processes, feel free to contact us to ensure your actions comply with South African law.


Navigating Financial Challenges During Divorce: Rule 43 and 58 Applications

Divorce proceedings can be emotionally and financially draining, often causing temporary hardships for one spouse. Fortunately, South African law offers a mechanism to address these immediate financial needs through Rule 43 applications in the High Court and Rule 58 applications in the Magistrates’ and Regional Courts. These rules make provision for interim relief applications. Understanding Rule 43 and 58 Applications These rules empower spouses to seek interim relief from the court, addressing pressing financial concerns while the divorce is still being finalized. This interim relief can encompass various aspects, including: Understanding Interim Maintenance An interim maintenance order is a temporary financial arrangement granted by the court during the interim period before the finalization of a divorce.  This order serves the crucial purpose of ensuring that both parties have access to the necessary resources to meet their essential living expenses while the divorce proceedings unfold. Initiating the Application Process The application can be filed at various stages of the divorce proceedings: The application typically involves: The respondent spouse receives the application and has ten days to respond with an opposing affidavit, if desired. They can also submit a counter-application seeking interim arrangements regarding child custody or access. Required Documentation To ensure a smooth application process, the following documents are crucial: Hearing and Court Order Once the court receives the respondent’s response (if any), the matter is scheduled for a hearing. The judge or magistrate will base their decision solely on the submitted documents and arguments, without the need for witness testimony. Following careful consideration of the presented evidence and the relevant legislation, the court will issue a court order outlining the details of the interim relief granted, if any. Considerations for Legal Cost Contributions When determining the appropriate contribution towards legal costs, the court prioritizes equality before the law as enshrined in Section 9(1) of the Constitution. This means the court will consider: The court strives to ensure that both parties have a fair opportunity to be heard throughout the divorce proceedings. Crucial Considerations for Interim Maintenance Applications While interim maintenance applications offer a valuable tool for financial support during divorce proceedings, it’s essential to remember some key points: Conclusion Rule 43 and 58 applications serve as a vital legal tool in South African divorce proceedings. By understanding the application process, the types of relief available, and the considerations taken into account by the court, individuals facing financial hardship during divorce can navigate this challenging phase with greater clarity and confidence. It is important to remember that this article provides general information and should not be construed as legal advice. For specific guidance and representation tailored to your unique circumstances, consulting with a qualified attorney specializing in family law is essential.


The Eviction Process in South Africa

At Eileen Visser Attorneys, we understand that navigating the eviction process can be daunting for property owners. Whether you’re a seasoned landlord or new to property management, ensuring a smooth and legal eviction is crucial. We’ve decided to put together a guide. This guide empowers landlords with the knowledge and crucial steps to navigate an eviction legally and efficiently, while adhering to the rights of all parties involved. Understanding the Legal Structure South African law champions the right to adequate housing, emphasizing the need for fair and legal eviction procedures. Several legislative acts safeguard tenants from unlawful evictions, demanding landlords to follow a structured process established by the law. Here are the key pieces of legislation and material which you will use in navigating evictions in South Africa: Legal Grounds for Eviction After gaining a good grasp on the legislation governing evictions, we can determine what the available steps would be, since landlords can only initiate eviction proceedings under specific circumstances outlined in the lease agreement and supported by the law. Understanding the legal reasons for eviction is paramount before initiating the process. In South Africa, landlords are entitled to evict tenants under specific circumstances, including: Initiating the Eviction Process Once you’ve established valid grounds for eviction, it’s essential to follow the prescribed legal procedures meticulously. Here’s a step-by-step outline of the eviction process: 1. The Letter of Demand: Before commencing formal proceedings, a formal letter outlining the breach of contract and requesting the tenant to rectify the situation within a stipulated timeframe (usually 20 business days) is mandatory. The letter should explicitly state that failure to comply will result in lease termination and potential eviction. The reason for expressly stating that termination will occur is crucial as the landlord must formally cancel or withdraw any consent given to the occupier to reside on the property. This must be communicated in writing, providing the occupier with reasonable notice to vacate the premises. 2. Initiating Court Action: If the tenant fails to address the breach within the stipulated timeframe, the landlord can apply to the court for an eviction order. This application triggers a court hearing where both parties present their arguments. 3. Court Hearing and Judgement: During the court hearing, the judge will consider the evidence presented by both parties. If the court rules in favour of the landlord and deems the eviction justified, an eviction order will be issued. 4. Enforcement of Eviction Order: The eviction order empowers the sheriff to evict the tenant and their belongings from the property. The timeframe for eviction after the court order can vary depending on whether the tenant contests the order or not. It typically ranges from eight to ten weeks in unopposed cases. Key Considerations for an Effective Eviction Process: Seek legal advice: The complexities of eviction law make it advisable to consult with a qualified attorney to ensure adherence to legal procedures and protect your rights throughout the process. Maintain meticulous documentation: Throughout the process, meticulously document all communication attempts, lease agreements, and any relevant evidence to strengthen your case in court. Avoid illegal actions: Refrain from taking any unlawful actions, such as changing locks, cutting off utilities, or forcefully removing the tenant, as this could have legal repercussions. Conclusion Evicting a tenant is a complex legal process in South Africa, demanding a thorough understanding of the law and adherence to established procedures. By following the lawful steps outlined above and seeking professional guidance, where necessary, landlords can navigate the eviction process effectively while respecting the rights of all parties involved. Remember, this guide is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For expert guidance and assistance with eviction proceedings, Eilleen Visser Attorneys is here to help.

divorce lawyers

Navigating the Maze of Divorce in South Africa: The Crucial Role of Divorce Attorneys in Ensuring Fair Resolutions

Introduction: Embarking on the journey of divorce is a challenging and complex endeavour. In the context of South African law, the intricacies of divorce proceedings require the expertise of seasoned professionals who understand the nuances of the legal landscape. This blog post aims to shed light on the indispensable role of divorce attorneys in South Africa, emphasizing their crucial involvement in ensuring fair resolutions for individuals navigating the maze of divorce. Understanding the South African Legal Landscape: Expertise in South African Divorce Law: The complexities of divorce proceedings in South Africa necessitate a deep understanding of the local legal framework. At Eileen Visser Attorneys, our team of divorce attorneys possesses extensive knowledge of South African divorce law, ensuring that our clients receive advice and representation tailored to the specific jurisdiction. Protecting Your Rights in Accordance with South African Law: South African divorce attorneys play a pivotal role in safeguarding the rights of their clients, ensuring that legal proceedings align with the regulations and statutes of the country. This includes aspects such as fair distribution of assets, spousal support, and child custody, where legal expertise is vital to protect the rights of all parties involved. The Crucial Role of Divorce Attorneys: Negotiation and Resolution in Accordance with South African Law: Skilled divorce attorneys excel in negotiation, working towards fair resolutions while adhering to the principles outlined in South African law. Our approach at Eileen Visser Attorneys is centered on finding amicable solutions that align with the legal requirements, minimizing unnecessary conflict and emotional strain. Comprehensive Services Tailored to South African Divorce Law: Eileen Visser Attorneys provides comprehensive divorce services in alignment with South African law. From the drafting and registration of legal agreements to divorce proceedings, Rule 43 applications, child custody matters, and spousal maintenance, our team ensures that every aspect of your case is handled with precision and compliance. Why Choose Eileen Visser Attorneys for Your South African Divorce: Personalized and Compassionate Representation: Our team understands the personal and emotional nature of divorce. We provide personalized and compassionate representation, offering the support and guidance needed during this challenging time. Efficient and Cost-Conscious Solutions: Eileen Visser Attorneys is committed to creating efficient and cost-conscious solutions for our clients. We strive to resolve disputes expediently while keeping in mind the financial considerations associated with divorce proceedings in South Africa. Conclusion: In the maze of divorce within the South African legal context, the choice of divorce attorneys is paramount. Eileen Visser Attorneys is here to guide you through every step, ensuring fair resolutions, protecting your rights, and providing the support you need. If you’re facing the challenges of divorce, contact us for a consultation. Trust Eileen Visser Attorneys to be your advocate in navigating the complexities with expertise and empathy, all within the framework of South African law.

unparalleled legal services

Unravelling the Complexities of Family Law in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: In the intricate landscape of South African family law, navigating legal challenges requires a knowledgeable and experienced guide. At Eileen Visser Attorneys, we understand the unique nuances of family law, offering comprehensive solutions to help you preserve family bonds while addressing legal complexities. In this blog post, we delve into the key aspects of family law in South Africa, shedding light on the intricacies and providing guidance for those facing legal challenges. Understanding Family Law in South Africa: Family law in South Africa encompasses a broad spectrum of legal matters related to familial relationships. From marriage and divorce to child custody, maintenance, and domestic violence, the legal framework is designed to protect the rights and well-being of individuals within a family unit. Marriage and Divorce: South Africa recognizes various marriage regimes, and understanding the implications of each is crucial. Our experienced family law attorneys can guide you through the drafting and registration of Antenuptial or Prenuptial Agreements, ensuring that your financial interests are protected in the event of a divorce. Divorce proceedings can be emotionally challenging. Eileen Visser Attorneys specializes in handling divorce cases with care and diligence, aiming to resolve disputes efficiently while safeguarding the interests of all parties involved. Child Custody, Access, and Maintenance: Resolving matters related to children is a key focus of family law. Our team is adept at handling cases involving child custody, access arrangements, and child maintenance. We work towards achieving outcomes that prioritize the best interests of the children while ensuring that parents’ rights are protected. Domestic Violence and Protection Orders: Family law also addresses issues of domestic violence. Our attorneys are experienced in handling cases related to domestic violence, helping victims obtain protection orders to ensure their safety and well-being. Spousal Maintenance: In situations where spousal support is necessary, our family law experts can guide you through the legal processes involved in securing fair and just spousal maintenance arrangements. Why Choose Eileen Visser Attorneys: At Eileen Visser Attorneys, we pride ourselves on being compassionate and client-focused family law practitioners in Pretoria. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized representation, understanding the emotional nature of family law matters. We work tirelessly to create cost-conscious solutions that align with our clients’ objectives while preserving familial relationships. Conclusion: In the intricate tapestry of South African family law, Eileen Visser Attorneys stands as a reliable partner, ready to guide you through legal challenges while preserving the bonds that matter most. If you find yourself grappling with family law matters, contact us for a consultation. Our experienced team is here to unravel the complexities and provide the comprehensive legal support you need. Trust Eileen Visser Attorneys to be your advocate in navigating the path forward with confidence.

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